Expert Program Evaluation & Community-Based Research

WORC was founded to bring rigorous research and actionable scientific evidence to the challenge of ensuring that every worker has a job worth having.

Through our WORC Evidence services, we evaluate innovative programs and practices that make jobs better for business impact — helping our partners leverage their evaluation budgets and accelerate toward a goal of making worthwhile jobs available and accessible to all people. Talk to us about how we can help or learn more below.

We measure what matters mosT

 Scientific evidence guides meaningful change

Providing worthwhile jobs is a competitive necessity — but how do we really know what workers want and how their needs best align with business goals?

WORC helps enable change by gathering evidence with focus and purpose, exploring the conditions, motivations, factors, and experiences that shape employee engagement, satisfaction, loyalty, performance, and more. 

We build evidence when we’re


that help improve job quality for business impact with our partners:

We also build evidence when we


to help our non-profit partners and others answer questions about what workers need from better job quality, for example:

We deliver evaluation that goes above and beyond 

WORC is not your typical evaluator. Our team brings rigorous academic research methods to bear on evaluation and adapts them for the real world, producing valid, reliable results you can count on.

Our WORC Evidence services include:

Goal-Setting & Strategy

Understanding the program, what it’s meant to achieve, and clarifying specific evaluation objectives and measures 


Evaluation Planning

Creating an evaluation plan and measurement strategy, including what data to collect and how to analyze it

Program Evaluation Design

Developing evaluation questions that will guide us toward the answers we need, using the right methods to do it


Data Collection and analysis

Collecting and analyzing the data to satisfy all evaluation objectives


dissemination & Iteration

Sharing our findings and suggesting approaches for action and iteration


We also train nonprofits in program evaluation methods, building their in-house capacity by designing the evaluation, teaching techniques, and working alongside staff to execute the evaluation. Through every activity, we bring the science to bear, both in terms of research techniques and relying on the evidence base to inform what we examine and why.

Collaboration ensures shared goals and success

Every WORC engagement is unique, driven by our project partner’s mission, goals, and challenges within their unique ecosystem. We carry out objective, evidence-based evaluation and research via a broad set of unique and proprietary tools. And we teach as we go, fostering an iterative evaluation mindset.

To learn more about our WORC Evidence program evaluation services:

What else does WORC do?

See how we align multiple perspectives with the scientific evidence base

to help investors achieve alpha through worthwhile frontline jobs